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10 Health Care Tips for Season Change -:

Havent you grown up with the sayings Health is wealth, An apple a day, keeps the doctor away, and some more of like these? Did your mother scold you for falling sick and not taking care of yourself during the changing seasons? Have you terribly been the victim of ill consequences when the season changes? Finding it so difficult to adapt with the seasons? Hair falls, acne, diseases, dull skin, losing weight, are some of the gifts you get from shifting seasons? If all or most of the answers are yes then you probably need some easy tips to be healthy while the nature wheel changes. What is important during the season change is to stay healthy and familiarize with the seasons instead of cursing and hating them. Following are the easiest important 10 health care tips which can be followed while the season changes. Say cheers to the sunny summers,rainy monsoons and dewy winters !

10. Hydration
Those who doubt that dehydration happens during only the summers when it¡¯s the sun who sucks up all the fluids from our body, need to clear off from this misinterpretation. Hypo hydration is caused due to excessive loss of water and most people dont have the idea how much water they drink or how much they exactly should. Most of them live in a dehydrated state as they dont treat their body with adequate fluid. Water is essential for healthy living, and often season changing makes the taste buds make want something of a different taste, water is tasteless though. So, it is advisable to have as much as water, in intervals of time so that the body is given the time to accept it. Drinking water detoxifies and moisturizes skin from inside. It can control any season change sickness and also replaces lost fluids. So when you feel the corners of your mouth dry and chapped lips and you are thirsty, you are dehydrated- fill yourself with minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, which will keep away health issues.
9. Seasonal nutrition
It is not difficult to reach out for whatever we want to feel like having, whether it¡¯s the season for the perfect one or not. There are off-season fruits and vegetables that are often available to us, no matter expensive or cheap, we get tempted to these and have them. But do we exactly know how it has been made possible to be available when its not the correct time and how it is negatively going to affect our health? Possibly we know, but still we ignore the facts. To stay healthy it is a must to stick to season¡¯s fruits and vegetables, since what is out-of season is what has lost its key nutrients. Seasonal nutrition means it is fresh and the naturally occurring minerals and vitamins in them are also fresh. Moreover, eating seasonally is something new and good for our health as well as our taste buds. Though bananas, onions and potatoes are some which are common throughout the year, but when the seasonal foods arrive, grab them to eat and being healthy will become easier for you.
8. Skin care
While summer is more humid and rich in moisture, the cold leaves us with dry, dehydrated, flaky and rough skin. Have you just ignored your skin which has turned dry or tanned or sticky or oily? You are probably too careless too notice the season which has changed and has made your skin become unhealthy. You know it when you are not healthy if your skin is not glowing! Your skin care routine should change with the changing seasons. The moisturizing lotion which you have used in winters for dried face and body is not what is going to suit you during the summers too. Let your skin breath with the right kind of moisturizing lotion or cream. Do not forget cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising and protecting your skin, always use a light, oil free moisturiser so that the pores are not clogged and the skin feels not greasy but hydrated. Prevent your skin from chafing and over drying, remember beautiful skin is not always healthy but healthy skin is always beautiful.
7. Hair care
Throw off all the hair products that might dry your hair, since your hair too needs to get moisturised just as your skin does. Protect it from extra heat and massage your scalp (if not hair) with oil to help seal moisture, keeping in mind that you have to avoid hot hair tools too. In summers, due to sweat the roots get weaker and start falling down, so hair should be washed more frequently in sweaty seasons. This doesn¡¯t mean your hair needs to be shampooed each and every day or frequently (it peels off the natural oil from scalp and hair), but you should just keep it clean and maintain health and growth of hair by avoiding damages with the shifting of seasons. Avoid excessive oiling, gels, mousses and extra conditioning too, instead applying henna to the hair may prove to be much helpful in treating the dullness and lifeless look of hair.
6. Insects at bay
Keep insects at bay, they are the uninvited dangerous guests that can hurt you and put your health in danger. Avoid getting bitten by the bloodthirsty pests specially the mosquitoes, spiders, wasps, bees, they are the ones who cause itchy bites and spread diseases. When the season changes, there are different creepy crawlies who always find their way, enter the houses, then to the rooms and reach us and our personal defences against these tiny invaders are indefinite. Make efforts of staying away from them either by killing them or making your surrounding not suitable for them to stay. Cover the trashes, the open drains, the stored water, just bug-proof your home, surround your outdoor areas with non flowery greenery and banish the blooming plants, clear off the weedy bushes, remove dried leaves and wood piles. And now, it¡¯s time to apply insect repellent and sleep under the bed net to protect yourself from any insects and nocturnal biters
5. Dietary Supplements
These are not the ones for gaining weight or losing weight, increasing height or becoming fairer, but are vitamins and minerals supplements, these supplements are intended to provide us with nutrients that can be consumed in sufficient quantities. These cannot be classified as drugs or anything else but as foods which correct deficiencies and are made for those who fail to consume a balanced diet (though it will not affect negatively if consumed by those who follow balanced diet). These are not meant to replace healthy diet but to complement it and can be taken to maintain health and stay fit. The form of supplement pills or tonics is such that it is actually better accepted and absorbed by the body than from food sources and sometimes they also act like medicine in curing or preventing certain ailments. Some of the supplements which can be taken are Vitamin C, D, B complex, A-Z etc.
4. Special drinks
Tea and other health drinks are the special drinks and there are number of varieties according to seasons. Effects of these during the seasonal change are appropriate as they benefit health. These drinks are nutritious for the body and are a way to healthier lifestyle especially when the oscillating seasons knock at the door. Instead of quenching your thirst by sticking to alcohol and beer (which are considered as special drinks by some), you can better choose these drinks which are special as well as healthy too. There are drinks to cool your mind and body in the hot humid season and there are drinks to warm you up during the chilly snow falling winters. There are drinks to give you more energy during the change, as seasonal change brings you a feeling of sickness and laziness. Choose to sip your way towards a stronger immune system with Green tea, Mint tea, black tea, hot chocolate, soya milk, tomato juice, cranberry juice, orange juice, grape juice, etc.
3. Diet
Stick to your diet, control it if you want to but dont starve for gods sake or stay unrealistically thin! Consume hot and fresh food, avoid over eating. Try to eat within not too long intervals of time and give time to your food to get digested. Fuel your body¡¯s basic energy needs with the right kind and in the right amount. Avoid too much of oily food or outside junk food during the summers, and in the winters have what keeps your body warm and healthy. Having nuts and almonds during sweaty season is a must avoid, while you can choose eating smaller meals throughout day. Healthy carbohydrates and fibre sources especially more of whole grains should be included in the diet chart. In the hot dry days of summers diet should be light, hydrating, refreshing and something which will help cooling the body while when the temperature goes down, the body needs what is grounded, will generate warmth and provide sustained energy . Include salad, curd, milk, cereals, bulgur, sprouts, and sago in your diet.
2. Herbal power
Mother Nature has gifted us with loads of medicinal and herbal green leaves, fruits and flowers to keep us healthy from inside and make us adapt to the seasons while keeping our immunity strong throughout the year. Often seasonal allergies steal the joy of the season and naturally they can be cured, herbs are gentle and effective. Some of the natural remedies for health care during season changes are having a spoonful of raw honey daily, aloe Vera, tulsi leaves, neem fruits and neem leaves, alfalfa, all these are excellent detoxifiers and have documented health properties and medicinal benefits. These are effective if taken daily throughout the year, will help in digestion and keeping the body free from seasonal diseases. Herbal medicine is not just about curing illness but also about preventing and healing the body itself. For example drinking peppermint and hibiscus tea in the morning will be a good start of the day, or a hot infusion of poppy and wild lettuce can be a thing to guarantee a good nights sleep, ladies mantle leaves, elderflower, tormentil root, fennel seeds, lemon balm leaves are some of the herbs to be consumed.
1. Dress for the season
Avoid too tight clothes which will stop your body to breath, and always dress up according to what the season is. When the season changes, run out to change your wardrobe and closet. Wear the right kind of fabric and colour to cover your body. Do not keep yourself over-exposed, and let your skin get tanned in the sun or get bitten by the bug. There are certain colours that are season ¨C pastel for the spring, earthy tones for the autumns, lighter shades for summers and the darker one for the colder days. Choose the kind of fabric made to wear during the perfect season, like linen and cotton in summery days, velvets and woollens during the winter and etc. like for hot seasons, wear what soaks your sweat and doesnt make your body itchy or uncomfortable and lighter, while its a cool and calm day, choose clothes that keep you away from getting cold. When you sleep, remember not to wear too much of clothes or hard fabrics so that while our body rests, our skin can inhale and exhale season¡¯s air.

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